Tuesday, October 28, 2014

28 Weeks

Alright. I had to delete my app that told me what size Baby Clark is each week. Mostly because it was giving me anxiety and I have enough problems with that all on my own without an app making it worse. Sooooo, that means no more really lame vegetable/fruit comparisons! I know you will all miss it.

I had my doctor appointment yesterday. (To which I'm now going every two weeks!) I am in the third trimester and my fundal (uterus) height is measuring at 30 weeks. Doc says this is ok, but since I've failed my gestational diabetes test by one point, we will keep a close eye on that to make sure Clark doesn't get too big. I have also cut out all sweets from my diet to help prevent that from happening. Which means I am eating lots of peanut butter sandwiches to help get me over my craving for Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. (Dang you Halloween candy isle)

This Week:

Cravings: BLT sandwiches. I begged Dan to take me to JCW's last night and I got the biggest sandwich ever. The amount of bacon on that sandwich was crazy. And I ate the whole thing. I may or may not have still been hungry afterwards as well.

What part of bacon don't you understand??

Belly Button: All the way out, but only after I eat.

Wedding Ring: Still On! Woot!

Sleep: My body kicked off the third trimester with a bang last week by not letting me sleep. Like, at ALL. I would lay awake all night and finally drift off to sleep sometime between 6 AM and 8 AM. This may have also been exasperated by Dan's absence. He was gone all week on a business trip.

Signs of Labor: No thank goodness. I am getting Braxton Hicks more and more often, though.

Best Moment of the Week: I spent the week at my parents house while Dan was gone. My sister has this adorable/weird (mostly adorable)
bird who I would attempt to play with. The bird's name is Chadwick. Anyhow, Chadwick could tell when Clark was awake and kicking and would fly to my stomach. He would lean his head down and talk/chirp to Clark until he was kicked. Chadwick would then move to a different spot on my stomach and would do it all over again. It was ADORABLE.

Worst Moment of the Week:  Not sleeping. I love to sleeeeeeeep.

What I'm looking forward to: Pretty sure this one is going to stay the same until we move. I am looking forward to being in our house with all our stuff and my bed! I miss my bed...

Victories of the Week: Digging through boxes in the storage unit and successfully finding all my cold weather clothes. I have been freezing the past week.

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