Monday, October 13, 2014

26 Weeks

I know, I know. I'm late with this update.  This week Clark's eyes open and he can see a bright light shining on my belly. He is as big as an eggplant (wait...wasn't he an eggplant last week too??) or about 9.2 inches long and weighs about 2 pounds.

This week:

Cravings: Sweets. I want all the sweets I can get my hands on.

Belly Button: Same as last week. Not all the way out, but not all the way in either.

Wedding Ring: On!

Movement: Still quite a lot of movement. I have started doing daily "kick counts" and he reaches 20 kicks or rolls very quickly. I have started to notice a schedule at night. He usually starts kicking around 10:30, 1:00, and 4:00.  Supposedly, this is when he will be awake during the night when he is born. If so, I'm already used to being awakened at those times, so that will be great!

Sleep: I feel like I'm back in the first trimester. I am ALWAYS tired. I sleep forever at night and then still take a nap during the day. Thank you to a great husband who works so hard so I can take naps!

Signs of Labor: Nope, but I have felt my first few Braxton Hicks "practice" contractions. No pain, just tightness.

Best Moment of the Week: Going to my doctor appointment and hearing Clark's heart beat. I love it! If I could have a monitor on him all day I would so I could listen all day.

Worst Moment of the Week: Finding out that I failed my 3 hour glucose test by one point. I have been banned from eating anymore sweets for the remainder of my pregnancy. (Hence the craving for sweets this week) However, I have been noticing a very adverse effect when I eat sweets (dizziness, faintness, and extreme hot flashes), so I am not as inclined to eat them as I was. Even cereal does this to me. Good thing I love eggs!

What I'm Looking Forward To: Next week I enter the third and final trimester! I am looking forward to holding our sweet babe and counting finger and toes. Also, our house loan is finally getting summited to USDA tomorrow, so the count down to moving into our house is on!

Victories of the Week: Possibly (most likely) having a middle name picked out for our babe! For some reason we could never agree or like a middle name for longer than a week. Let's see how long this one holds out for!

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